1. 1. Click on Play Store icon
  2. 2. Click on Search
  3. 3. Type Mysiswa
  4. 4. Click Install
  5. 5. Application is being downloaded
  6. 6. Click e-Sentral icon
  7. 7. Login using credentials provided in Mysiswa Redeem email
  8. 9. Go to MyLibrary
  9. 10. Click any title to download.
  10. 11. Once downloaded, click the cover image to start reading
  11. 12. Browse the ebook contents by swiping left and right
  12. 13. You may also browse via Table of Contents
  13. 14. Change ebook reading settings

  1. 1. Click on Play Store icon
  2. 2. Click on Search
  3. 3. Type Mysiswa
  4. 4. Click Install
  5. 5. Application is being downloaded
  6. 6. Click e-Sentral icon
  7. 7. Login using credentials provided in Mysiswa Redeem email
  8. 9. Go to MyLibrary
  9. 10. Click any title to download.
  10. 11. Once downloaded, click the cover image to start reading
  11. 12. Browse the ebook contents by swiping left and right
  12. 13. You may also browse via Table of Contents
  13. 14. Change ebook reading settings